Last Thursday I performed a “live video essay” at the German Film Museum in Frankfurt. On the right side of the screen was Ernst Lubitsch’s 1919 masterpiece The Oyster Princess on beautiful 35mm film. On the left side was my desktop showing me researching the film online, re-editing it on Premiere Pro, and chatting about it on Facebook with my friend Cristian Eduard Dragan. Cristian was watching it in Romania off YouTube while I was watching it with a full audience and live accompaniment by jazz pianist Uwe Oberg.
The actual performance can’t be published due to copyright issues (the recurring theme of my life this month 🙁 ) but here is a great introduction of the program by Urs Spörri (in German) and Rembert Hueser (in English), and you can see my deranged state after the performance as well. Thanks Rembert for throwing me into this insane experiment in live multi-screen cinema.